
Causes of Skin Rash

Askin rash is an eruption of skin lesions that can cover any part of your body, and it’s is a broad term that covers an assortment of lesions, each with its own cause and treatment. Rashes can be localized to a small part of the body, or they can be more widespread, but they are typically linked to inflammation. They …

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Common Causes of Sore Tongue

Asore tongue can be hard to ignore. You will feel discomfort each time you talk, drink, or eat. The constant pain can cause you more than discomfort, and you may end up worrying that something else is seriously wrong. In most cases, a sore tongue is harmless and not a reason for serious concern. There are, however, some conditions associated …

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What Is a Genital Tract Infection?

Genital or urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the tract. The symptoms you experience are the result of your body’s defenses overcoming the infection. The bladder, kidneys, and tubes that run between them are affected by these infections, and they are one of the most common types of infection that humans develop. The majority of genital tract infections …

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Yorgunluk, genel bir yorgunluk ve enerji eksikliği hissidir. Yorgunluk ve uykululuk genellikle karıştırılır, ancak uykulu olmak aslında yorgunluğun bir belirtisidir.  Yorgunluk ayrıca motivasyon eksikliği ve hiçbir şey yapmak için enerji olmaması anlamına gelir. Yorgunluğa yaşam tarzı faktörleri, egzersiz eksikliği veya uzun süreli uyku eksikliği neden olabilir. Bazıları diğerlerinden daha ciddi olan sağlık koşullarından da kaynaklanabilir.  Yorgunluğun Nedenleri Yorgunluğa neden olabilecek bir dizi yaşam …

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Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue is a feeling of general tiredness and lack of energy. Fatigue and sleepiness are often confused, but being sleepy is actually a symptom of fatigue. Being fatigued also involves a lack of motivation and no energy to do anything. Fatigue can be caused by lifestyle factors, lack of exercise, or a prolonged lack of sleep. It can also be …

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Causes of Mouth Redness

Mouth redness is a sign of inflammation and is also known as stomatitis. This inflammation and redness can be very painful and can cause your gums, inner lips, inner cheeks, and tongue to be sore. Mouth redness and pain can make it difficult to eat or drink and can be disruptive to daily life as well as health. It can …

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Canker Yaraları

Kanser yaraları, ağız içinde gelişen ülserlerdir ve en yaygın ağız ülseri türüdür. Pamukçuk yaraları ağrılı olabilir ve yemek yerken ve içerken rahatsızlığa neden olur. Ağzın dış tarafında viral enfeksiyon sonucu oluşan kabarcıklar olan uçuklarla sıklıkla karıştırılırlar. Kanser yaraları, uçuklar gibi bulaşıcı değildir ve birkaç hafta içinde tedavi ile iyileşebilirler.  Boğaz Ağrısı Belirtileri Boğaz ağrısı semptomları diğer ağız ülserlerinden veya yaralarından farklıdır. Ağız boşluğunda …

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What Causes Canker Sores

Canker sores are ulcers that develop inside the mouth and are the most common type of mouth ulcer. Canker sores can be painful, and they cause discomfort while eating and drinking. They are often confused with cold sores, which are blisters that form as a result of a viral infection on the outside of the mouth. Canker sores are not …

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Causes of Sore Muscles

Everyone experiences sore muscles (myalgia) from time to time, especially after strenuous activity. There are muscles all over your body, so muscle pain is one of the most common pains people feel, and these pains can be felt anywhere. Most of the time, you will be aware of the cause of your sore muscles, but sometimes there is an underlying …

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