
What Are The Treatment Methods Of Cancer?

Most frequent treatment methods of cancer are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Other methods like stem cell transplantation, or hormonal therapy can be used according to the cancer type and need of the patient.


Chemotherapy is the treatment method that is used for inhibiting, slowing, eliminating the growth of cancer cells, and increasing the quality of life of the patients. It can be applied through intravascular injection, or pills.


Surgery can be used for cancer diagnosis, evaluation of its extension, and also for removing the tumor out of the body.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is the application of radiation (ionizing) for treatment. Purpose is eliminating the cancerous cells, and shrinking the tumor. The other main goal of treatment is minimizing the normal tissues that can affect from radiation. Radiotherapy can be applied by delivering radiation to disease site by a machine (external radiotherapy), and also by oral or intravascular administration of radioactive compound (internal radiotherapy).

Stem Cell Transplantation

Stem cells have the ability to transform into hundreds of cell types, they form the organs and tissues, they have the ability of self-renewal, and they can replicate themselves. The decrease in blood cells may be life threatening for the patients.


Stem cells reside in bone marrow to form new blood cells. Stem cells can be obtained from bone marrow, blood, or umbilical cord for transplantation. The bone marrow is completely or partly evacuated for stem cell transplantation.